History Archive
Past Events
We are proud to announce that ITSVA was presented with the Outstanding Chapter Award at the ITS America Annual Meeting! Thank you for all that you do to help make ITSVA such a strong chapter!
The award is given to a chapter that excels in the following areas:
- Strong and Engaging Chapter Governance
- Significant Impact via Networking, Outreach, and Advocacy
- Effective Organizational and Professional Development
- Emerging Experiences that Provide Lessons Learned, Case Studies, Best Practices, etc., related to State and/or Local Planning, Deployment, and Evaluation of ITS
The Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America) honored the Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia with one of their prestigious ITS State Chapter Awards. Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia (ITSVA) President Todd Kell accepted the Certificate of Excellence for Organizational and Professional Development during a special ceremony at ITS America’s 2009 Annual Meeting & Exposition held in National Harbor, Maryland.
ITSVA was honored with one of the prestigious 2008 Best of ITS Awards, presented by ITS American. ITSVA President Stephen Little accepted the Certificate of Excellence for Emerging Practices and Deployments in a special ceremony at ITS America’s 2008 Annual Meeting & Exposition held in conjunction with the 15th World Congress on ITS in New York City.
ITSVA and the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, along with ITS America held a Vehicle Infrastructure Integration Technology Showcase and a VTTI/Smart Roads Open House.
Blacksburg, Virginia
Hosted 13th Annual ITSVA Conference
Richmond, Virginia
Co-hosted 6th Annual National Capital Region Incident Management and Homeland Security Conference
Chantilly, Virginia
- Hosted 12th Annual ITSVA Conference
Arlington, Virginia - Staffed the Innoviative Mobility Showcase
Washington, DC
Hosted ITS Virginia Legislative Reception
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted 11th Annual ITSVA Conference
Charlottesville, Virginia
Co-hosted a Tri-Chapter Information Exchange Summit with ITS Maryland and ITS Pennsylvania in New Market, Virginia
Hosted ITS Virginia Legislative Reception
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted 10th Annual ITSVA Conference
Norfolk, Virginia
Hosted 9th Annual ITSVA Conference
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted 8th Annual ITSVA Conference
McLean Hilton Tysons Corner
McLean, Virginia
Hosted 7th Annual ITSVA Conference
Doubletree Hotel
Charlottesville, Virginia
Hosted 6th Annual ITSVA Conference
George Mason University, Fairfax
Hosted 5th Annual ITSVA Conference
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
Co-hosted 9th Annual ITS America Conference
Washington, DC
Co-Sponsored Spring Workshop with VASITE
Williamsburg, Virginia
Co-Sponsored ITS Business Breakfast with ITS Maryland
Potomac, Maryland
Nominated as Most Outstanding State Chapter by ITS America
Hosted ITS Institutional Issues Workshop
George Mason University, Virginia
Hosted 4th Annual ITSVA Conference
Reston, Virginia
Co-hosted the ATIS Statewide Deployment Conference
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Hosted ITS Virginia/ITS Maryland Joint Meeting on ITS Systems Architecture,
Center for Innovative Technology, Herndon
Hosted the 3rd Annual ITSVA Conference
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Conducted a program on the Smart Road and activities of Virginia Tech’s Center for Transportation Research
Blacksburg, Virginia
Hosted a Commercial Vehicle Operations Program
Middletown, Virginia
Hosted the Tactical Plan Workshop for VDOT
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted a Wireless Communications in ITS Seminar
Annandale, Virginia
Appeared on the Delegate Ken Plum Cable Television Program
Reston, Virginia
Hosted the 2nd Annual ITSVA Conference
Richmond, Virginia
Hosted a Systems Architecture Forum at the Center for Innovative Technology Herndon
Hosted 1st Annual ITSVA Conference
Tysons Corner, Virginia